Unprecedented times means change, our ability to change has seen us grow a joint venture, staying connected and continuing to deliver for our client.
I'm truly proud of the way the OneAIM workforce has adapted to this situation, across the management team, trade union representatives and workers alike. Our business has continued to meet (virtually) daily to discuss and plan ongoing work streams, health and well being and potential work that may come back online in the near future.
Every cog in the wheel has turned, people have been engaged in different ways, allowing input, discussions, debates and ultimately to agree and progress. We have connected to our colelagues by providing daily updates to the latest information on our website and social media profiles. Demonstrating our ability to adapt and more importantly our commitment to delivering work safely.
I'd personally like to thank everyone from OneAIM who has continued to adapt and deliver work during these unprecedented times. I hope you and your family are safe and remain safe and that you continue to support each other and your community.
Keep well, stay safe
Bryan Thompson
Health Safety Environmental (HSE) Manager, OneAIM